Our Nutley branded items of uniform can be purchased online at Monkhouse Schoolwear. Click here to go to their website.
Nutley Primary School Whole School Uniform
(Term 1, 5 and 6)
Navy Summer Gingham Dress
Charcoal Shorts
Charcoal Pleated Skirt
White Shirt
Nutley School Tie
(Term 2, 3 and 4)
Charcoal Trousers
Charcoal Pleated Skirt
Nutley School Jumper or Cardigan
White Shirt
Nutley School Tie
Whole School Uniform Guidance for Nutley CofE Primary School
Nutley School Branded Items for all children
School Tie - KS2 compulsory/KS1 optional
School Jumper or Cardigan - compulsory
Whole School Uniform
White, Long or Short Sleeve Shirt (Yr R White Polo Shirt)
Winter: Dark Grey Trousers or Grey Skirt
Summer: Dark Blue Gingham Summer Dress or Dark Grey Shorts or Skirt
Dark Grey or Black socks and tights
Plain black school shoes (no embellishments, boots or sandals)
Black, navy or dark grey hair ties and headbands (all hair should be tied back)
PE Kit (required all year)
Navy, Black or Dark Grey Shorts, Joggers, Leggings
Navy, Black or Dark Grey Jumper or hoodie
House colour T-Shirt
Trainers (suitable mainly for outside wear)
Forest School Kit
Waterproof Trousers
Waterproof Coat
Wellington Boots
Spare Socks
Hat and Gloves
Children will also need layers; Long Sleeve tops, Jumpers Leggings, Joggers.