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“We are your voice”



Elected Y6 Councillors 

Emily, Freddie, Harris and Mollie






















Our school council allows children to be actively involved in the decisions made in our school. Our councillor's aim is to make it an even better place to be.  Our school council is made up of four representatives from year 6, each of whom has responsibility for a class in our school, as well as at least one representative from each of the other classes. These councillors have been voted for by their class.

The year 6 councillors regularly meet with their classes in order to obtain whole school views and ideas on a range of topics. The suggestions and ideas are discussed and the school council then votes on which items should be written in to the school council action plan.                                                                                  

Nutley Church of England Primary School is a mixed gender, voluntary controlled school, serving pupils aged 4 to 11 from Nutley, Uckfield, Crowborough and surrounding areas. Paper copies of any information on our website can be provided upon request and this is free of charge .

© 2021 Nutley Church of England Primary School

Unique Reference Number (URN): 114517

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