Safeguarding at Nutley
This school is part of Operation Encompass -
At Nutley Church of England Primary School we are committed to the safeguarding and welfare of all of our children. Our Child Protection policy is regularly monitored and updated.
Our aims:
To ensure that all children are provided with a safe, happy and healthy learning environment.
To ensure that all staff are aware of the necessary precautions and actions to take when dealing with child protection issues.
To establish and maintain an ethos where children and parents are secure and comfortable in talking to staff about concerns and know that they will be taken seriously.
To establish and maintain procedures for safe recruitment, working relationships with parents and with external support agencies.
To work with other schools in the local area to share good practice, taking advice from experts where necessary.
At times, it may be necessary to share information and work in partnership with external agencies if there are concerns about a child's welfare. Concerns will always be discussed with the child's parents/carers first, unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child's welfare.
Our Designated Child Protection Officers are:
Mrs E Robinson (Head Teacher)
Miss S Debenham (Hedgehog Class Teacher)
Mr R Wadey (Rabbit Class Teacher)
Dr B Smith (Safeguarding Governor)
For our full Safeguarding Policy, please click here. Nutley Primary School follows the statutory guidance published by the Department for Education (DfE).
If any urgent safeguarding issues arise in the school holidays, the following link will give advice.
Online Safety
If you are looking for help and advice on how to keep your children safe whilst using the internet, the following websites have lots of great information on how to do this:
The NSPCC's online safety portal can be found here
O2 have joined forces with the NSPCC to help keep children safe. Parents can explore the internet like children do and understand the dangers that exist online. Click here to find out more.
Click here to see 5 tips for parents to make Youtube safer for kids.
Click here to see a range of parent's guides to common internet apps and websites such as TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat and Amazon Alexa.
Parent Info is a collaboration between Parent Zone and NCA-CEOP, providing support and guidance for parents from leading experts and organisations. Click here to find out more.
Are you are worried about online abuse or the way someone has been communicating with you online? If so, you can make a report to one of the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) command. Simply click here to contact one of their Child Protection Advisors.
To read our latest Online Safety Policy, please click here.