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To see the results of our recent Parent Voice questionnaire, please click here.

"So proud of *** as always.  He has had an amazing time at Nutley."

Year 6 Parent 

What at we do well: "Love the weekly newsletter"  "Great to see parents allowed at Friday worship and other events eg Sports Day"  "Use of technology in class and explaining safety of this"

Reception parent 

Nutley CE Primary is "nurturing, knowledgeable and resourceful"

Reception parent 

Things we love about Nutley: "Core Christian values", "home from home, wonderful setting, happy, nurturing beautiful school" and "great effort on performances, Christmas, end of year etc and the Lewes Castle trip was brilliant!!"  


Thank you Nutley School, end of an era!  

Year 6 parent when their child left for secondary school

"So pleased with ***'s report.  She is so happy at school and looks forward to going in every day."

Year 1 parent

"Thank you for all the effort you put into my son's education.  I am very proud of his academic progress"

Year 3 parent 

"Thanks for all the help *** has received.  I'm very happy with his SATs results.  I know *** tried very hard, he worked hard and I'm proud of him.  The teachers took good care of him and my son made good progress.  Thank you for the last year"

Year 6 parent 

Very proud of ***'s achievements and he has loved his time in Miss Debenham's class.  Lovely friends! Loads of fun and learning.

Year 2 parent 

*** is thriving at Nutley.  It's such a welcoming, friendly school.  I wish I had chosen Nutley all those years ago when *** first started school!  The difference in him is amazing.  Thank you for your hard work and support.


Nutley Church of England Primary School is a mixed gender, voluntary controlled school, serving pupils aged 4 to 11 from Nutley, Uckfield, Crowborough and surrounding areas. Paper copies of any information on our website can be provided upon request and this is free of charge .

© 2021 Nutley Church of England Primary School

Unique Reference Number (URN): 114517

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