Our Christian Ethos
This Bible quote fully explains our Christian ethos and is the essence of our school.
I have come so they may have life, and have it to the full
John 10:10
Strong Christian values are at the heart of our work and central to the school's teaching and learning. One of the broad aims of our school is to help children learn that Christian values, such as Respect, Compassion, Perseverance, Friendship, Forgiveness and Trust are essential qualities.
We have many community links:
Within the village of Nutley, we have strong links with Reverend Ben Sear and the Family Church Liaison Officer, Sophie Leach, from St James the Less Church. We enjoy fortnightly assemblies from Reverend Ben and he supports our RE curriculum by coming into school to speak to classes. We also visit the church e.g. to understand why it's a special place, what the architecture and the symbols mean, and re-enactment of key services, for instance, a baptism service. We also hold our Harvest Service, Christmas Carol Service, Easter Service, Year 6 Leavers Service in the church and deliver harvest boxes to the village community. We also have a choir sing at the Christmas Carols by Candlelight Sunday Service. Our Faith Council also meet regularly with Sophie Leach.
Staff and our active PFA are always present at the annual Nutley Summer Fete and Christmas Fair.
Within East Sussex, we collect donations for the Uckfield Foodbank and sing carols to the residents of Brooklands Residential Care Home and the Christmas shoppers at Uckfield Late-Night Shopping event. We have strong links with Uckfield College: members of the PE department organise special lessons and inter-school tournaments, including an annual swimming gala, and the maths department come into school to meet and teach upper key stage 2.
Further afield, we support Children in Need and Comic Relief.