Believe and Achieve
John 10:10 "I have come so they may have life and have it to the full"
Dear Parent / Carer,
Thank you for your interest in Nutley Church of England Primary School.
In this school the children, their parents, staff and governors work together to create an environment where each child will achieve their potential. We offer high quality teaching and learning, which encourages and stimulates the children to be independent, well-motivated and happy to learn. One of the keys to being a successful small school is that each child here is known and is treated as an individual.
Above all, we want our children to feel safe and secure and we place a high priority on pastoral care. Good links between you, the parents, and the staff are a vital part of this care, and we are always ready to talk with you about your child. There will also be many opportunities for you to share in your child’s life at Nutley School.
To find out more about the school, please come and see us in action. We shall be delighted to show you round and to explain further about all that we have to offer.
Yours sincerely,
Mrs Robinson