Our aim is to bring our school community closer to God and to hear what God has to say to us.
Our new Faith Council plays an important role in our Church School. The council meet twice every half term when they will discuss issues that are important to the children.
Part of their role includes:
Promoting our core school values of respect, compassion, perseverance, friendship, forgiveness and trust by being role models.
Having the opportunity to work thoughtfully and fairly as a group with children from across key stages to develop their own vision of religious education and collective worship.
Having an input into collective worship and religious experiences by leading Collective Worship once every half term and being involved in whole school initiatives such as the NATRE Spirited Arts & Poetry competition.
Gathering information from other children and parents about their views on worship and RE in school and monitoring Collective Worship alongside the Foundation Governors once every half term.
Ensuring that our Collective Worship Table and Reflective areas are kept clean and tidy.
Helping in creating displays.