Hedgehog Class
Class Teacher: Miss Debenham
Cover Supervisor: Miss Matthews
Teaching Assistant: Ms Bristow
For children aged 5 to 7
Key Stage One: Years 1 and 2
In Hedgehog Class, the children explore learning through a creative and investigative curriculum and become more independent. They continue to learn how to read and write, through daily phonics lessons and memorising tricky words, as well as understanding how writing can be more exciting with more detail. In Maths the children use equipment such as Numicon and Dienes blocks to help them understand new concepts. The children in Hedgehogs are proud to be the main performers in our school Nativity - with our Year 2 children performing the lead roles. The children enjoy Forest School as well as visits to places of interest linked to their learning in class, such as Hever Castle and our local church.